
Welcome to everyone who found this blog! First things first, the man you see pictured with a healthy glass of wine in his hand, and a jim dandy White Sox shirt on, is my uncle. He is one of the finest human beings ever to walk the earth, and this blog is dedicated to him.

Secondly, I'm not really sure who would want to read anything here. As I stated before, this blog was started by me strictly for theraputic purposes at this point. If something is on here that generates a reaction in you, by all means feel free to share it. If not, that's fine too. This is a fly-by-night operation, so no pressure.

Third, we live in an era where sports information has never been more accessible. Yet somehow most of it manages to be filtered and watered down in many respects by certain media/sports networks/websites. It's my wish to have one little sanctuary where information/thoughts/feelings are free of agenda or spin, or b.s. that exists in todays sportsworld. Hopefully that will exist here.


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Monday, January 25, 2010

Tiger Puzzle Piece

So Gerald Posner wrote this piece for our friends at thedailybeast.com describing the events that took place on Thanksgiving night between Tiger and Elin in detail. It draws information from two unnamed sources who are close with Elin, and it sheds a lot of light into just how Tiger ended up crashing his SUV while shoeless and how Elin ended up with a golf club in her hand.

Some of the new information that emerged from this piece has Tiger actually putting Elin on the phone with Rachel Uchitel in a desperate and lame attempt to convince Elin that their relationship was simply platonic. It also shows that Elin isn't stupid and is rather crafty herself. Elin waits until Tiger's nightly ambien takes effect, grabs his cellphone and sends Uchitel text messages posing as Tiger to get her to reveal herself as Tiger's 19th hole. Game, Set, Match, Nordegren.

Again, couldn't happen to a nicer guy, and it's simply awe-inspiring to see how far he is falling...

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