
Welcome to everyone who found this blog! First things first, the man you see pictured with a healthy glass of wine in his hand, and a jim dandy White Sox shirt on, is my uncle. He is one of the finest human beings ever to walk the earth, and this blog is dedicated to him.

Secondly, I'm not really sure who would want to read anything here. As I stated before, this blog was started by me strictly for theraputic purposes at this point. If something is on here that generates a reaction in you, by all means feel free to share it. If not, that's fine too. This is a fly-by-night operation, so no pressure.

Third, we live in an era where sports information has never been more accessible. Yet somehow most of it manages to be filtered and watered down in many respects by certain media/sports networks/websites. It's my wish to have one little sanctuary where information/thoughts/feelings are free of agenda or spin, or b.s. that exists in todays sportsworld. Hopefully that will exist here.


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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nice Hair

Greetings and Salutations :

There have been plenty of news and items scattered throughout the world of sports lately. Unfortunately, none of them have compelled me to write extensively about them. Instead it's time for Quick Takes:
  • Would you believe that after 16 years, several undeserved Gold Gloves, 5 World Series Rings, Zero MVP's, and now....over 3,000 career hits, I remain completely indifferent to Derek Jeter the player? I honestly can take Jeter or leave him. He's not one of the all time greats in my opinion. He was very good for a long time, and at face value, deserves to go into the Hall Of Fame. None of what Jeter has done on the field, gets my blood up, but when it comes to Jeter's spastic, over-reactive, and constant embellishing fanbase on the other hand, it's a different story. The people who think Jeter IS an all time great, do an excellent job getting me to root against Jeter much more than anything Jeter does, or will do, on the field.
  • Speaking of Jeter, his ex-teammate Roger Clemens is on trial this week for perjury. Clemens famously gave testimony before Congress three years ago, denying all the charges levied against him by Brian McNamee and The Mitchell Report that Clemens used performance enhancing drugs. Most famously, Clemens offered a wide variety of "explanations" from "That's my wife's HGH" to Andy Pettitte "misremembers". Meanwhile, the government appears to have a really strong case against Clemens, and I'm much more hopeful to see Roger have to make the dreaded "Perp Walk" when this trial ends.
  • In NFL Land, the likelihood and prospect of a Labor Agreement appears to be making progress. Barring a complete About Face by the Players Association, the Lockout looks like it's nearing an end, and I have a feeling the owners are going to get pretty much everything they wanted. If that happens I can't help but feel that this has largely been much ado about nothing and could/should have been avoided.
  • Speaking of avoided, James Harrison should have avoided opening his mouth to Men's Journal. By now you know he spoke ill of Roger Goodell, the Patriots, and his own teammates, in a vivid display of his insanity. In terms of punishment, I don't believe there's much Goodell or the Steelers can do to him at the moment, but there's plenty his teammates can do! These are the kind of actions that fracture locker rooms, not to mention Player Unions. Controversy has been nothing new with Harrison. He's been outspoken in the past, and has incurred a ton of fines for his aggressive play, but this is a new low for him. With the Steelers looking at Super Bowl Hangover this season, this can only hurt their chances to compete next year. It will be interesting to see if the Steelers finally have had enough and cut Harrison this year. That's what any franchise worth its salt would do...then again this is the same franchise whose fan base gives a standing ovation to their rapist QB.
Speaking of creepy Steelers Fans, I'd like to take time to address my recent Twitter war with Chicago SunTimes columnist Joe Cowley. For a long time, Joe has fancied himself as a tough writer who speaks his mind all the time, and doesn't care who gets hurt by what he has to say. That approach by itself is something I don't have a problem with. Cowley's journalistic style has made a ton of enemies within the White Sox organization, specifically Kenny Williams. Kenny is seemingly a target that Joe is loathe to give any credit to, and (like a child) Joe is often the first person to point out when Kenny does something wrong.

Joe's dealing with the White Sox however, is not what I had a problem with. My issue with Joe is that he defends Ben Roethlisberger, strictly because Ben plays for the Steelers. Never mind that it's very likely Ben is a serial rapist, and that if Ben played for the Patriots, Joe would feel quite differently about Ben's legal issues. Cowley's defense of Roethlisberger, coupled with the fact that Cowley is one of these Twitter Loudmouth's who talk a lot of trash, prompted me to engage with him on Twitter.

Suffice it to say that it went south pretty quickly. Rather than actually act like a sensible person who should know that rape is wrong, Cowley chose to act like a child, started name-calling, at one point making a joke about my mother, and in no way shape or form comported himself like a sensible journalist (he actually used the word "brah" in one of his tweets). Unfortunately for him, I'm also quite capable of acting in the same manner, only WAY better than him! As Cowley soon realized, I'm so much better at that type of behavior than him.....that he chose to BLOCK me and my good friend, The Rassi.

I won't say this is my proudest moment. Far from it actually, but it doesn't matter. This was about proving a point, and the point is that Joe Cowley, while more than willing to dish it out, is completely unable to take it. When it comes to taking as much grief as he gives, his skin is about as thick as loose leaf paper. For someone who claims he "always tells the truth", he is quite averse to having the truth be told about him.

That truth being, that no matter what he has done so far with his career, Cowley will say/write something that will get him in a lot of trouble someday. Mark.My.Words.

Loudmouth and Stupidity are a powerful combination, and as Jay Mariotti can tell Cowley, it's only a matter of time before that combo does you in.

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