
Welcome to everyone who found this blog! First things first, the man you see pictured with a healthy glass of wine in his hand, and a jim dandy White Sox shirt on, is my uncle. He is one of the finest human beings ever to walk the earth, and this blog is dedicated to him.

Secondly, I'm not really sure who would want to read anything here. As I stated before, this blog was started by me strictly for theraputic purposes at this point. If something is on here that generates a reaction in you, by all means feel free to share it. If not, that's fine too. This is a fly-by-night operation, so no pressure.

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Monday, November 22, 2010

The Blade Is Being Sharpened...

Hey University of Notre Dame and your silly ass fans...do you realize that you've gotten so obviously out of control with your football program that even David Haugh says you've screwed up?

Assuming you haven't realized it by now, let me shed some light. I've already covered how you killed Declan Sullivan earlier this season, even though your Athletic Director tried to say that you didn't. Now comes word that before you killed Declan, you may have been told that one of your players sexually assaulted a girl and you didn't exactly react with any common sense, let alone do a whole lot about it.

The woman in question, former St. Mary's student Elizabeth Seeberg, killed herself 9 days after informing you that you may have a sexual assailant on your team. That happened in September. Did you comment on it? No. Did you turn over any information from your private investigation to the St. Joseph County Prosecutors office? Yes but certainly not very promptly to say the least. Matter of fact, you just did that Friday. That doesn't look bad AT ALLLL...

There's a reason they took their sweet ass time turning in their results of course, and that reason is they were hoping this situation would go away, so Notre Dame wouldn't HAVE to submit their results. Now THAT'S what I call INTEGRITY. It's also pretty damn obvious that Notre Dame tried to stonewall the Seeberg Family, since the Seeberg's hired former Federal Prosecutor Zachary Fardon to look into the matter further and thus putting pressure on Notre Dame.

Considering those factors the question then becomes, What's Notre Dame Hiding? Why wouldn't they follow the chain of command for investigations as serious as sexual assault? Why wouldn't they at the very least provide answers to the Seeberg Family that would dissuade them from having to hire a Federal Prosecutor? Why would they continue to use terms like "University Matter" when it comes to yet another dead student?

Before I put Swarbrick, Kelly, and the Entire ND Administration and Board of Trustees on the Chopping Block, I must take a step back for a moment. Reason being, it's still very possible that Elizabeth Seeberg might have been, for lack of a better term, "bat-shit crazy" compounded with a vivid imagination while on anti-depressants. It's conceivable that she could have hallucinated the whole thing, and/or made it up for some ill-attempt at attention. I'm obviously unable to speak for her and her state of mind at the time.

Either way, it still looks bad for Notre Dame, and god-awful for Brian Kelly. Remember when Notre Dame fans were only concerned with Kelly's stance on Abortion? It looks like they had way more to worry about than that. This is now two dead students that are connected loosely in Seeberg's case, or directly in Sullivan's case, to his Football Program....and Kelly's cracking jokes about the impending bankruptcy of the Chicago Tribune and Manti Te'o's broken nose! That's not even counting a recruit of his that died on Spring Break by the way...

Again, where we go from here will depend on the St. Joseph County Prosecutor's Office. They have Notre Dame's investigation results now, and they will be combing through it brick by brick to see if it holds.

So as the title of this post suggests, while the rest of the ND Clowns are not on the chopping block yet, Kelly was already on it the moment Declan Sullivan went up in the Scissor Lift that fateful day. Whether or not Kelly's head or limbs will roll first depends on the results of the investigation.

Either way, the Blade is being sharpened by our hooded friend at the top....

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