There's a couple of things that strike The Beard as odd with this one, most of it centering around Kenny Williams. This is the same Kenny Williams that signed off on a White Sox Reality Show to be shown on MLB Network in July correct? Why would Kenny not worry about Ozzie being up for public consumption on that medium but has issues with Ozzie being on Twitter? Is it because the show can be edited, and therefore Williams feels more in control of what's released? Maybe, but if Kenny believes he can control what goes on TV, he's sorely mistaken. Does he think Ozzie's going to tip people off on possible moves the White Sox will make during the season? Well Ozzie already said that will not be the case, and that he intends to use Twitter to describe his everyday activities, which are sure to include eating and drinking (mainly drinking I'd speculate). Does Kenny worry about Ozzie getting into heated exchanges with heckling fans? Well it's a little late to worry about that now, since Ozzie has had a public email address from which he has sent responses both friendly and unfriendly for 7 years now.
Long story short, I'm with Ozzie on this one. To paraphrase his own thoughts on the matter, he is a grown man, and he's free to do what he wants communication wise. He's already been doing similar behavior via technology for his entire tenure as manager, and he already knows what is appropriate for him to say without compromising the ballclub. Other managers choose not to use such technology, and that's fine too.
And yes I did laugh at Lou Piniella's line "But I'm really not a Facebook or Twitter guy, you know? I'm a prime rib and baked potato guy." Love Classic Lou!!!
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