(YAWN) This is nothing more than a half-assed Mark McGwire-esque type of apology. It's the type of apology that is arrogant in its motive, because it is devoid of real ownership on Woods' part. If he really was interested in owning up to his mistakes, he would take questions. He would take them as long as he could, and then take a few more. If he was really interested in winning the public back, he would take his lumps the same way Kobe Bryant did in 2003 when his own sexual misconduct outside of marriage came out. Have a press conference, make a statement, sincerely apologize, and (tad dah) take questions. Kobe seemed to understand that he would never be able to go back to the way it was in terms of public admiration. More importantly he understood that the truth shall literally and figuratively set him free.
This bizarre statement-and-run from Woods shows that he hasn't learned anything from this entire fiasco. He hasn't learned that he alone is responsible for this situation and nobody else, despite his thinly veiled media bashing in his two previous statements regarding this ordeal. I'd expect even more "Damn Media" comments in this upcoming statement, since Woods has historically pointed the finger, rather than the thumb his entire life. There's also one more key lesson that Woods still hasn't learned yet:
You can run, but you can't hide...
One thing i did learn in college studying Public Relations is NEVER EVER read a statement. This is because if you are in situation like Tiger, reading a statement is an easy way out. Like Kobe, showing emotion and sadness goes along way. To the American public that is good. Reading is easy. Preparing a speech and speaking is different. Giving a speech shows emotions and characteristics people need to see. You can still fake the statement as he did with his sponors, wife, and life.
ReplyDeleteNow as for answering questions about his personal life thats no business expect Tiger's and his family. But, the steroids should asked and tested.
Personal life should be nobody's business but Elin and Eldrick's? Good luck with that one Rossi. Privacy is a privilege, not a right for celebrities, especially those as prominent as Woods. Privileges are earned, and Woods pissed his privacy privileges away the moment he crashed his SUV.
ReplyDeleteOf course he is obligated to answer questions, especially ones he created but didn't answer today, like "If your wife didn't beat you, why were you running in shorts and socks into your SUV AT 1:30 AM?" He owes his fans, his charitable organizations that carry his name, his sponsors, his peers on the tour, the tour board of directors, his friends, and everybody else who has spent any time or money watching him play golf, answers.
That's the price he has to pay to be the most famous golfer in the world. If he doesn't like it he can quit. Nobody said life was fair.