It's been a busy week since the tragic suicide of former Chicago Bears safety Dave Duerson. Reactions to his untimely death have sent shock waves throughout the NFL. Former teammates, coaches, media pundits, and even the Commissioner himself Roger Goodell, have all expressing reactions of shock and sadness on Duerson's passing.
The Chicago Tribune had a fabulous piece on Duerson's final days which you can read here. Other random things about Duerson have come up too this week, such as the accusation Duerson made himself three months ago, that former defensive coordinator Buddy Ryan used the N-word to Dave during his rookie season. While it's well documented that Duerson and Buddy strongly disliked each other, which lasted during and after Super Bowl XX mind you, I find it highly dubious that Ryan used that term with Dave. Duerson had over 25 years to tell that story, and he never did until 3 months ago. If something like that did happen, Dave picked a rather odd time to share it. Then again, there may be another more pertinent reason why Dave chose to share that story now.
That reason is, Dave's mind might have been damaged enough by Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, that the early symptoms of dementia which arise from CTE may have convinced Dave that Ryan used the N-word in front of him, even though Ryan probably didn't say it. According to the Tribune article, Duerson was more than aware of what CTE is, and how his brain (specifically mentioning the left side of it) may have developed it. The article also gives light to how Duerson suddenly had difficulty doing the most mundane of things, and his mind slowly began to betray Duerson, as his life swiftly fell apart around him.
I've already covered my feelings about CTE and Duerson last posting, but I couldn't help but revisit those feelings often during the week and this past weekend. As I watched the NFL Combine, I couldn't help but get a feeling that I was watching something reckless and nefarious. I couldn't help but wonder if this would be one of the last times I would see kids from middle class backgrounds playing football again? I know it's going to take years-if not a decade or two-from that ever happening, but I just couldn't help but let my mind imagine what road we're heading down?
I love the game of football. I love the violence on the field that's associated with it and judging by the television ratings I'm far from alone. The players generally know the risks they're taking when they step on the field. They know there's a chance they could end up paralyzed, or severely injured every time they step go out and play, and they accept it as part of the game. That aspect of football has always been there.
This is a different and new risk for them to consider however. Players are used to taking risks for what could happen to them ON the field. It seems to me that they didn't sign up to play football with the understanding that ten to twenty years after they finish playing, their minds will be turned into mush via CTE. That is a completely different animal for guys to have to consider, and more importantly, it's a risk that PARENTS will now have to consider the moment their son comes home from school with a permission slip asking them to play football.
So while people like Cam Newton, and Julio Jones make headlines about their 40 times, and while DeMaurice Smith makes headlines at the negotiating table, I'm hoping that all of them have a little bit of increased foresight with them. It is my hope that they understand that the decisions they make now, could also have their brains as well as others, being studied in a lab at Boston University someday.
a place for mostly fractured, sometimes coherent, and occasionally insightful takes on the world of sports.

Welcome to everyone who found this blog! First things first, the man you see pictured with a healthy glass of wine in his hand, and a jim dandy White Sox shirt on, is my uncle. He is one of the finest human beings ever to walk the earth, and this blog is dedicated to him.
Secondly, I'm not really sure who would want to read anything here. As I stated before, this blog was started by me strictly for theraputic purposes at this point. If something is on here that generates a reaction in you, by all means feel free to share it. If not, that's fine too. This is a fly-by-night operation, so no pressure.
Third, we live in an era where sports information has never been more accessible. Yet somehow most of it manages to be filtered and watered down in many respects by certain media/sports networks/websites. It's my wish to have one little sanctuary where information/thoughts/feelings are free of agenda or spin, or b.s. that exists in todays sportsworld. Hopefully that will exist here.
Secondly, I'm not really sure who would want to read anything here. As I stated before, this blog was started by me strictly for theraputic purposes at this point. If something is on here that generates a reaction in you, by all means feel free to share it. If not, that's fine too. This is a fly-by-night operation, so no pressure.
Third, we live in an era where sports information has never been more accessible. Yet somehow most of it manages to be filtered and watered down in many respects by certain media/sports networks/websites. It's my wish to have one little sanctuary where information/thoughts/feelings are free of agenda or spin, or b.s. that exists in todays sportsworld. Hopefully that will exist here.
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