The greatest player in White Sox franchise history officially retired today. Even though he's been out of the game for two years, Frank "The Big Hurt" Thomas decided to call it quits at a press conference at U.S. Cellular Field this afternoon. Not only did he call it quits, but the Sox themselves called it quits today on anyone wishing to wear the number 35 by retiring the number. As a further sign that all parties have kissed and made up, there are also plans for "Frank Thomas Day" on August 29 where there will no doubt be a statue of Frank unveiled. Among other things, Frank went out of his way to describe how proud he was to be a White Sox player, his personal feelings of admiration and kinship with White Sox Owner Jerry Reinsdorf, and opened the door slightly to the possibility of becoming a hitting coach down the line.
The Beard has never been prouder of Frank Thomas than he is today. It has not always been a rosy ride in terms Frank's popularity with myself, and other White Sox fans. Yes he was prickly in his demeanor. Yes he took things way too seriously, and was too thin skinned sometimes. Yes he was at odds with managers and management on more than a few occasions. If I had to guess what the main thing that Frank was most guilty of though with the fans? It was that he didn't conduct himself like Michael Jordan. He blatantly chose to never play the public relations game the way MJ did. He never went out of his way to lie to people by projecting a heroic image that was all based on B.S. Frank was going to be who he was unapologetically. At the time that was seen by most people as him "not getting it". Now however, his decision to be himself, warts and all, is really admirable.
Part of who he was and still is, was his early outspokenness against Steroids and Performance Enhancing Drugs. Frank has always maintained that it's cheating, and was calling for testing as far back as 1995. Thomas was also the
only active player to willingly talk to Senator George Mitchell during his investigations. The media, specifically Sports Illustrated, sent numerous reporters speaking to MLB players off the record in 2002 to get a scope of who and how many players were on steroids.
ALL of the reporters came back unanimous that nobody in baseball's inner circle had ever even heard a rumor that Frank was on steroids. That alone should erase any doubt that Frank was clean and Hall Of Fame worthy.
Speaking of the Hall Of Fame, yes he will and should get elected to the Hall first ballot. Here's all you need to know if you're wondering why. Frank Thomas is one of four players ever in the history of MLB to have a .300 career Batting Average, 500 Home Runs, 1500 RBI's, 1500 walks, and 1000 runs scored. The other three players to do this? Mel Ott, Ted Williams, and Babe Ruth. Not Barry Bonds, not Manny Ramirez, not Gary Sheffield or any of the other steroid freaks, but only Frank Thomas has done what those three have done. Where I come from, that pretty much guarantees first ballot Hall Of Fame election wouldn't you agree?
So, cheers to Frank Thomas on his wonderful career, and thank you very much for all the great memories and achievements you accomplished in a White Sox uniform. Put it on the BOAAAAARD!!!