It's an absolutely stunning read from start to finish, passionately written with an emphatic emotional plea and a long term memory of someone standing up to a bully. It's essentially an Anti-Michael Wilbon written piece, in that it's not written with intent to further kiss Jordan's ass for things Jordan did when Bill Clinton was still President. It's written truthfully, factually, and with an appropriate amount of vitriol for Jordan who in The Beard's (and thankfully an increasing number of other people's) opinion has gotten away with too much B.S. for far too long.
All the Jordan lovers will undoubtedly have a problem with this piece because they can't let go of childhood/childISH memories of Jordan's Bulls Championships and feel those memories still entitle Jordan to act like a jerk. All the Jordan haters will feel what I feel which is a feeling of hope that eventually people will finally realize that he's never been worthy of the praise,esteem and myopic hero-worship he once had.
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