
Welcome to everyone who found this blog! First things first, the man you see pictured with a healthy glass of wine in his hand, and a jim dandy White Sox shirt on, is my uncle. He is one of the finest human beings ever to walk the earth, and this blog is dedicated to him.

Secondly, I'm not really sure who would want to read anything here. As I stated before, this blog was started by me strictly for theraputic purposes at this point. If something is on here that generates a reaction in you, by all means feel free to share it. If not, that's fine too. This is a fly-by-night operation, so no pressure.

Third, we live in an era where sports information has never been more accessible. Yet somehow most of it manages to be filtered and watered down in many respects by certain media/sports networks/websites. It's my wish to have one little sanctuary where information/thoughts/feelings are free of agenda or spin, or b.s. that exists in todays sportsworld. Hopefully that will exist here.


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Friday, May 28, 2010

Go Get Your Shinebox Dwayne!

Speaking of the Bulls, Dwayne Wade decided to open his mouth this week and complain about the Bulls lack of "loyalty" as a reason why he would be wary of signing with them. "I see Michael Jordan is not there, Scottie Pippen is not there. … You know, these guys are not a part..Things like that. So that is probably one of the biggest things for me, because I am a very loyal person." You have got to be friggan KIDDING ME!? That might be the dumbest thing he's ever said in his life right next to "I, do" to that crazy woman he's now divorcing. There's a million things wrong with it, but I'll keep it simple.

First of all, Wade says he's a loyal person, yet he's talking about signing with another team!? How loyal is THAT Dwayne? It seems that Wade has no issue or qualms with the business of professional sports when it allows him to get top dollar from the highest bidder, but he also feels can selectively call somebody else's perceived lack of loyalty into question when it doesn't apply to him? That is inconsistent at best, flat out ignorant at worst. Not to mention, how stupid it is to publicly disparage a potential suitor in negotiation tactics. Even if he really feels that way, his agents and lawyers should have stopped him immediately from sharing that opinion because they know he's sabotaging his own cause with those remarks.

Secondly, and most importantly in my opinion, he is just FLAT OUT WRONG. If anything, the Bulls have been too loyal over the years. Let's start with his feelings about Jordan and Pippen not being "there". Jordan wanted/felt entitled to a piece of ownership with the Bulls. The Bulls (very presciently I might add) said no. He went to Washington D.C., ruined that organization, was seen attending Bulls games in the owners luxury box in 2003-04, became a half-assed GM and now owner/ruiner of the Charlotte Bobcats. Oh and by the way...his silly statue is still outside the north gates at the United Center. Pippen was given a golden parachute of a sign-and-trade contract in 1999, came back in 2003 and retired as a Bull, plus had his number retired. Sounds like they've been treated pretty fairly to The Beard...

Now let's get to the meat and potatoes of how loyal the Bulls have been, particularly to the non-superstar players. Jay Williams certainly feels they were really loyal to him in 2003, especially when they had every right to walk away from him (pun). Bob Love also feels they've not only been loyal to him, but pretty caring and nurturing as well. The Bulls also flew Bill Cartwright around the world looking for the best specialist available when he damaged his larynx in a game years ago(incidentally Cartwright knows who injured him, but he still won't say). Randy Brown was pawning his championship rings because he was flat broke, when the Bulls gave him a job as an assistant - a job which didn't exist until Brown needed one. Pete Myers has been the interim coach twice now, and the Bulls have always taken care of him since he first played for them in 1986. Also, isn't somebody still the Bulls GM even though he's had every reason to be fired? Once again, sounds like the Bulls are pretty loyal to me...

I don't care how nice of a guy Wade supposedly is. I don't care that he backed off his original statement. I don't care that he's going through a horrible and acrimonious divorce. I don't care that he give 10% of his salary to his church, and his other philanthropic works. I don't care that it's most likely Michael Jordan putting these dumb ideas in his head that the Bulls aren't loyal. None of that matters because it doesn't replace the fact that he's not smart enough to see through MJ's B.S., and that he basically doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. So to paraphrase Billy Batts in Goodfellas, "Go Get Your F*cking SHINEBOX!" and stay in Miami you dummy.

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