Please click on the picture above to see a clip from the documentary Bigger, Stronger, Faster* in which Floyd Landis issues one of several denials regarding his stripped 2006 Tour De France win over his use of performance enhancing drugs.
Apparently someone does have a conscience after all, and that someone in Floyd Landis. Here we are now, after years of his supposed righteous indignation denials, cockamamie excuses (i.e. "whisky defense"), filing countless court appeals, writing a book called "Positively False : The Real Story Of How I Won The Tour de France", and the ultimate douchebag move of Landis raising money for the "Floyd Fairness Fund" which people donated (approximately $1 million) to help him pay his outstanding legal bills. After all of this garbage he has spewed...now he wants go all Jose Canseco on us, and tell the truth.
And what a truth he has to tell too! Landis sent repeated emails to senior cycling officials confessing not only his own EPO and blood transfusions, but those of his former teammates Lance Armstrong, George Hincapie, Levi Leipheimer, and David Zabriske. He didn't stop there. He also claims that Lance Armstrong told Landis that U.S. Postal Service Pro Cycling Team director Johan Bruyneel had a financial arrangement with ICU to make sure that any positive tests were covered up. Landis went on to further say that Lance Armstrong's personal trainer Dr. Michele Ferrari of Italy to assist him with the extraction and re-transfusion of the blood transfusions, and that he only accepted cash for these transactions. Landis also give many other sordid details that upon reading them seem like they are pretty straightforward. WADA, USADA, and more importantly Jeff "Eat His Lunch" Nowitzky think so too.
The reaction from Lance? He's going the "credibility" route. Apparently Armstrong is not only 100% arrogant, but completely stupid too. All he needed to do was remember how many people in 2005 said Jose Canseco wasn't credible either, to know that issuing that charge is pretty much guaranteed to blow back in your face! Also following Lance's play is UCI President Pat McQuaid by saying "These guys coming out now with things like this from the past is only damaging the sport. If they've any love for the sport, they wouldn't do it." Oh...My...God....
There's several things at play here that The Beard is having a field day with. First of all, Landis is really just a complete moron! Straight up, indefensible, how does he put his shoes on in the morning type of moron! He's a moron not for telling the truth, but for telling the truth after YEARS of trying to B.S. his way around his own cheating. What's important to remember however, is that just because Landis is a moron, doesn't mean he has bad eyesight.
I do believe that like Canseco, Landis finally realizes that the truth shall set him free. I also believe that like Canseco, Floyd realized that by telling the truth and naming names, he can finally stop being the one that's been fairly or unfairly singled out as the doper in cycling. WADA has maintained for years that Cycling is the #1 sport in the world for drug cheating and dopers. Think about that for a second...that's more than football, track and field, baseball, hockey, golf, and bodybuilding/weight lifting. Floyd knows this too, and now because he's willing to sing, he is offering us a glimpse at just how far the Cycling Blood Doping and Performance Enhancing Rabbit Hole goes.
I also believe that we are now closer to finally taking down the false god that Lance Armstrong is. Yes he's been knocked down several pegs already, but nothing has ever been proven with him in terms of his cheating. There hasn't been a smoking gun so far, and to be fair even with his confession Floyd isn't really providing one either. Still Landis has filled in a lot of blanks today and Lance is certainly acting itchy about these new charges. That's probably because investigations are now actually going to transpire, and we now might have real proof that the guy who tells people dying of cancer "If you want it bad enough, you can beat cancer like I did", is nothing but a blood doping, steroid ingesting, lying dirtball.
But don't take my word for it, just ask the late George Carlin...
Oh my God is that Carlin clip hysterical! He is spot on!
ReplyDeleteI agree. I still miss George for clips exactly like that!